The internal threaded anchor for detachable fixations in concrete.

Internal threaded anchor RG M I

The fischer internal threaded anchor RG M I is a system component for use with the fischer resin capsules RSB and RM II and the fischer injection mortars FIS SB, FIS EM Plus, FIS V, FIS VL, and FIS Green for fixations in concrete. The metric internal thread enables the use of conventional metric screws or threaded rods. The internal threaded anchor is suitable for surface-flush removal, and the fixing point can be reused. This means that the RG M I is particularly suited for detachable and temporary fixings both inside and outside. The approvals of the various resin capsules and injection mortars must be observed.
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Produktne variante

Dovoljenja / teh.poročilo
(0) produktnih variant (s)
Drill diameter
Scale parts mortar
Legenda = Dovoljenje do = Ni dovoljeno
Poglej (0) od (1) rezultat (s)

Opis izdelka

  • The internal threaded anchor RG MI is suitable for use with resin capsules or injection mortars in concrete.
  • The internal threaded anchor RG MI allows for the surface-flush removal and reuse of the fixing point. It therefore offers great flexibility.
  • The metric internal thread allows for the use of standard metric screws or threaded rods, which enables ideal adaptation in line with the intended use.
  • Please refer to the approvals of the resin capsules and injection mortar used.

Dovoljenje aplikaciji

  • Removable and temporary fixings
  • Anchorings with resin capsules RSB and RM II
  • Anchorings with various injection mortars such as FIS SB, FIS EM Plus, FIS V Plus in concrete
Building materials
  • Concrete, cracked and non-cracked
Podroben opis najdete v priloženem dokumentu
  • ETA-12/0258

Navodila uporabe

For use in conjunction with resin capsules:
  • The internal threaded anchor RG M I is set using a hammer drill and the accompanying setting tool in rotating and hitting motions.
  • During setting, the oblique edge of the internal threaded anchor destroys the capsule, and mixes and activates the mortar.
For use in conjunction with injection mortars:
  • The RG M I is set manually by lightly rotating it until it reaches the drill hole base.
  • The mortar bonds the entire surface of the internal threaded anchor with the drill hole wall and seals the drill hole.
Mounting Strip 1 Picture
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Dokumenti za prenos

European Technical Assessment for fischer Superbond - Bonded fasteners for use in concrete
Ustvarjeno na 24. 10. 2023