The universal undercut anchor made of stainless steel for natural stone or artificial concrete panels.

Zykon panel anchors FZP II R

The undercut anchor out of stainless steel for a concealed flush installation solution for façade panels out of natural stone or artificial concrete. These are fixed with a consistent drill hole depth aligned to the back of the panel. This type of fixing technology is used e.g. with calibrated façade panels or for reveal angle installation.
Produktne varianteDownload of image data

Produktne variante

Dovoljenja / teh.poročilo
(0) produktnih variant (s)
Min. panel thickness
Total length
Cylindrical diameter
Legenda = Dovoljenje do = Ni dovoljeno
Poglej (0) od (1) rezultat (s)

Opis izdelka

  • The flush-mounting technology of the undercut anchor allows an easy, economical handling of reveals.
  • The matching shape of the undercut anchor creates a inter-locking and stress-free fixing in the conical undercuted drill hole.
  • The fixing is not externally visible, creating a visually appealing façade surface.
  • Setting the anchor using undercut technology allows the user to select the best structural position in the façade panel. This significantly reduces the bending moment of the panel.
  • The anchor allows higher failure loads compared to common systems.

Dovoljenje aplikaciji

  • Exterior façades
  • Interior façades
  • Façade reveals
  • Natural stone heating systems
Building materials
  • Natural stone (>20mm)
  • Artificial concrete panels
Podroben opis najdete v priloženem dokumentu
  • ETA-11/0145
  • DoP No. 0307

Navodila uporabe

  • The drill hole is drilled with an absolute anchoring depth.
  • Flush installation of the anchor.
  • Wet diamond drilling: first cylindrical, then conical - to create the undercut. #Inserting the undercut anchor in the cylindrical-conical undercut hole
  • Expanding the undercut anchor by "pressing down" the washer using the setting tools
  • Stress-free and geometrical inter-locking fixing
Mounting Strip 1 Picture
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Dokumenti za prenos

European Technical Assessment for fischer-Zykon-panel anchor FZP II - Fastener for the rear fixing of facade panels made of selected natural stones according to EN 1469:2015
Ustvarjeno na 22. 08. 2024
Declaration of Performance for fischer Zykon-panel anchor FZP II
Ustvarjeno na 01. 07. 2022