The approved stand-off insulation made of stainless steel with thermal separation in external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS).
The fischer stand-off insulation system TherMax is a solution for fixing into external walls without a thermal bridge in ETICS. The system consists of a special anchor rod made of zinc-plated steel with a glass-fibre reinforced cone, threaded pins, and anchor sleeves for fixing into perforated brick. When combined with fischer injection mortar FIS EM Plus, FIS V Plus and FIS SB, the system is approved for many different building materials. The anchor rod with the glass-fibre reinforced cone cuts its own way through the plaster into the insulation. The anchor rod is anchored in the anchor sleeve with an injection mortar in the building material. The cone at the tip of the anchor rod creates a thermal barrier and holds the stainless steel threaded pin for the external fixing. The TherMax fixes heavy loads such as awnings, air-conditioning devices, and satellite systems to concrete, aerated concrete, and masonry from solid and perforated brick.