The chipboard screw with raised countersunk head, PZ cross drive and full thread.


The fischer chipboard screw PowerFast FPF II RZF is a blue passivated zinc plating screw with raised countersunk head, PZ cross drive and full thread. The small countersunk head with a slight curvature makes the screw visually attractive and enables a flush installation. The PZ cross drive guarantees the safe and easy positioning of the tool. The chipboard screw with full thread offers a higher extraction resistance due to the longer thread.
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Produktne variante

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(0) produktnih variant (s)
Thread length
Legenda = Dovoljenje do = Ni dovoljeno
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Opis izdelka

  • The screw geometry of the PowerFast II enables fast applications.
  • Installation is easy, comfortable and flexible.
  • The chipboard screw has significantly reduced splitting behavior in comparison with standard chipboard screws.
  • The PowerFast II with high performance wax coating reduces screw-in torque and allows smooth installation.
  • The blue passivated zinc plating does not contain chrome VI and is therefore environmentally friendly.
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Dovoljenje aplikaciji

  • For use in load-bearing wooden constructions, for the connection of solid wood parts as well as glued laminated timber, cross laminated timber, etc.
  • For metal parts to wood, e.g. metal fittings, angles, beam shoes and other metal and wood connections.
  • Suitable for use with fischer plugs and recommended loads.
Building materials
  • Solid wood parts (soft wood and hard wood)
  • Glued-laminated timber
  • Cross-laminated timber
  • Veneer laminated timber
  • Similar glued wood components and woodbased panels
Podroben opis najdete v priloženem dokumentu
  • ETA-19/0175
  • DoP No. W0020
  • Report No. 201811-0081:2021

Navodila uporabe

  • Full thread screws are recommended for mounting thin parts and in less firm wood materials (e.g. soft woods).
  • The raised countersunk head is particularly suitable for joints where the screw head is visible and needs to leave behind an attractive appearance.

Dokumenti za prenos

European Technical Assessment for fischer Power-Fast II screws for use in timber constructions
Ustvarjeno na 19. 09. 2023
Declaration of Performance for fischer Power-Fast II screws, fischer Power-Fast II - Chipboard screws, fischer Power-Fast II - Wood Construction screws
Ustvarjeno na 10. 10. 2023
Test Certificate
pdf, Report No. 201811-0081:2021
Report about the use of Torque Impact Screw Driver to screw-in "fischer POWER-FAST II screws" according to ETA-19/0175
Ustvarjeno na 10. 05. 2021
PowerFast II. The chipboard screw for fast and flexible applications.