Suitable for outdoor use, with hidden fastening of façade and terrace boards.

Terrace screw HiddenFast NC

Terrace screw with nylon coated surface for hidden fastening with the HiddenFast Guide. Cylindrical head with TX recess drive and double thread. For outdoor use for hidden fastening of terrace boards.
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Opis izdelka

  • The small cylinder head ensures a “hidden” fastening.
  • The thread under the screw head is arranged in the opposite direction, which ensures efficient tightening of the material without distance to the surface and effective material fastening.
  • The thread design at the tip of the screw ensures a quick grip, fast screwing in and reduced risk of splitting the wood.
  • Extremely fast screwing in.
  • The deeply recessed TX drive ensures efficient power transmission.

Dovoljenje aplikaciji

  • Terraces
  • Boards
Building materials
  • Wood
  • Boards (wood)
Podroben opis najdete v priloženem dokumentu

Navodila uporabe

  • Terrace screw with nylon coated surface for hidden fastening with the HiddenFast Guide.
  • Cylinder head screw with TX recess drive and double thread.
  • For outdoor use for hidden fastening of façade and decking boards.