44 mm high aluminium rail for PV panels mounting systems.

Rail SolarFish H44 AL

SolarFish H44 AL is a 44 mm high aluminium rail for PV mounting systems on pitched and flat roofs. The two side grooves and the bottom groove are compatible with SKS M8 screws or RHS hammerhead screws, making installation quick and easy. SolarFish H44 AL is compatible with both PM U / PMC U universal clamps and PM F / PM C pre-assembled clamps. The different lengths available are optimised for different panel sizes. SolarFish H44 AL is compatible with PV systems on pitched roofs with tiles (in combination with aluminium and stainless steel hooks), non-removable corrugated or barrel/flat tiles (in combination with STSR and STSI double-threaded screws), trapezoidal sheets (in combination with DLA and DLAK clamps) and flat roofs (in combination with STFS and STFN triangular frames).
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