For highest demands. Powerful and flexible.

Bolt anchor FAZ II GS with large washer

The fischer bolt anchor FAZ II GS with its large washer is the ideal bolt anchor for the highest requirements. With the steel anchor made from zinc-plated and stainless steel, heavy loads are secured in cracked and non-cracked concrete. The steel anchor with the large washer is perfect for securing steel components with slots, for example. Thanks to the two anchorage depths and the easy assembly process, the FAZ II GS can be used particularly flexibly. The tried-and-tested expansion clip introduces the loads into the concrete particularly safely, and enables a top load-bearing capacity.
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Produktne variante

Dovoljenja / teh.poročilo
(0) produktnih variant (s)
Drill diameter
Min. drill hole depth for through fixings
Anchor length
Width across nut
Washer (outer diameter x thickness)
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